Workflow Web Service Configuration

The Workflow Web Service allows Workflow business processes to be run by other applications, such as the Laserfiche Windows client, web client, and Laserfiche Forms. Laserfiche Workflow Web allows you to browse workflows and business processes using a Web browser.

The first time you configure Workflow Web Service, the configuration utility attempts to detect the appropriate URLs for you. However, you will have to manually adjust Workflow Web URLs to reflect any subsequent changes to the default port or protocol of Internet Information Services (IIS).

Edit URLs from the Workflow Web Service node in the Workflow Administration Console.

Note: Both the Workflow Web Service and Laserfiche Workflow Web are installed during the Laserfiche Workflow installation.

ClosedSee a video about configuring the Workflow Web Service

To configure the Workflow Web Service from the Workflow Configuration Manager

  1. Open the Workflow Configuration Manager under Start, All Programs, Laserfiche, Workflow.
  2. Click ClosedNot Configured next to Workflow Web Services. This will detect what ports and protocols are configured and will use that information to automatically configure the web application directory URL. It will also check to see if the Workflow Web Service is being blocked by a Windows firewall (if so, a warning dialog box will appear).
  3. Note: If the link next to Workflow Web Service says Needs Prerequisite, you must first configure a Workflow Server before configuring the Workflow Web Service.

    By default, the ClosedWorkflow Web Service dialog box will contain the location of the machine the Workflow Web Service is installed on. Click OK to use this information as the Web application directory.

    ClosedShow me an example.

    Example: The first time the Workflow Web Service is configured for a machine named "WorkflowWebServiceMachine," the URL will be: http://WorkflowWebServiceMachine/Workflow and you can view workflows in a Web browser at http://WorkflowWebServiceMachine/WF. Later, the default port for the "http" protocol is changed to 81 in IIS; the URL must be manually updated as well: http://WorkflowWebServiceMachine:81/Workflow and http://WorkflowWebServiceMachine:81/WF.

    Note: If the IIS virtual directory has been modified, you will need to manually configure the location. To do this, type a Web Services location in the Web application directory that will let your Laserfiche client application(s) interact with your Workflow Server.